Looking for answers to your insulation questions?

Well you have come to the right place! look through our insulation FAQ to find the answers to the most frequently asked insulation questions! If theres a question you don’t see on the list be sure to contact us and ask!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Spray Foam And Insulation

General Spray Foam Insulation Questions

What are the benefits of Polyurethane spray foam insulation?

Because Minnesota is in Climate zone 7, we spray closed cell spray foam and when applied at 1 ½” thick or thicker will stop and moisture infiltration into your home,

Will normally reduce energy costs by 30%-50% over other methods 

Makes your home more comfortable,

Reduces dust and stops mold and mildew in your home 

Adds Strength to your buildings structure

What is the cost of spray foam?

The cost of insulating with spray foam varies from job to job there is no one price fits all or a set  sqft price, Please Contact us, and we would love to come out to your project and give you the most accurate price to fit your project needs

Should I use open-cell or closed-cell foam?

Most of Minnesota is in Climate Zone 7. Because of that Closed cell foam is the best foam to use in this area. Although we prefer to use Closed Cell Foams we also offer Open Cell Foam which is great as a soundproof insulation that is also great for filling large voids that we can’t get with 2lb closed cell foam.

I heard that spray foam will make my house to tight and that the house needs to breathe?

Your house does need to be ventilated, but you need to be able to control that ventilation through mechanical means, You do not want air going through the walls and cracks where you have no control. This means working with your HVAC installer so that he installs the proper equipment in your home. 

Can spray foam be installed over wires?

Yes Spray foam can be sprayed after electrical and plumbing are in place. It will not melt the sheathing on the wires or affect them in any way. 

Where can spray foam be installed?

Spray foam can be installed almost all locations we do have to be able to get to get to the area that needs to be sprayed we do not have any long wands or attachments to get to the hard to reach areas

How long does spray foam last?

Spray foam insulation will last as long as your home does and being that it is sprayed in place you will not have any sagging or settling of your insulation over time 

How is Spray foam Installed?

Spray foam insulation is sprayed in place by our trained professional spray foam insulation applicators. Spray foam starts off as two separate liquid chemicals that come in barrels located in our spray foam insulation trailer/truck. These two chemicals are  pumped to our specialized Graco portioning equipment that heats the chemicals, pressurizes them, and monitors the application process to make sure that the foam being sprayed is on ratio and processed to manufacturer’s specifications. The Graco equipment that we have choose to use to process spray foam has modern processing technologies that will shut down the machine if any parameters fall outside of manufacturer specifications during the  spray foam application process. This failsafe feature is not available on all spray foam processing equipment. We feel that having the most modern, high-end equipment, with extra Fail-Safe options, is well worth the peace of mind knowing that all our projects will be On-Ratio and meet the required manufacturer specifications.

What about the stud unions and gaps between lumber in the home?

When we bid a spray foam job we highly recommend sealing all stud unions in your building envelope to completely seal things up.

How do I choose the right local insulation contractor near me in Louisiana

Trying to decide what insulation contractor to trust your project or home can be difficult.

 There are a few key factors to consider when choosing the right insulation contractor for your home.  First, it’s important to check for references and reviews from past clients to get an idea of the company’s reputation and the quality of their work. You should also ask about the contractor’s experience and training, as well as their insurance and licensing status.  Make sure to ask about the materials and techniques they will use, and be sure to select a contractor who uses high-quality materials and follows proper installation procedures for your local climate zone. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions and clarify any concerns you may have before making a decision.

General Insulation Questions About FoamTech Spray Foam

Do you install fiberglass (traditional insulation) and types of insulation?

Yes, Northland Spray foam is a Full service Insulation company installing spray foam, fiberglass batts, fiberglass BIBS system, Blown in fiberglass or cellulose, also sound batting 

Do you air seal when installing fiberglass?

Yes the most important step when using fiberglass insulation is air sealing we use either a 4 mil or 6 mil poly and a 25 year acoustical caulking to completely air seal the area, Also use the proper tape to seal and joists in the poly

What is BIBS system

BIBS – or “Blown In Blanket System” is an insulation system that involves installing a tightly fitted, breathable web netting across the stud faces of the area being insulated, and blowing a loose-fill fiberglass insulation into the cavity. The blown insulation is packed and compressed into the cavity with air pressure via an insulation blowing machine. The insulation hose is inserted into the cavity via a small hole made in the web netting then insulation is packed into that cavity completely filling the space not leaving any gaps, wrinkles, cracks, or any passages for air to travel creating an airtight insulation blanket.

 Questions About FoamTech Spray Foam Insulation Services

Do you install fiberglass (traditional insulation) and types of insulation?

Yes, Northland Spray foam is a Full service Insulation company installing spray foam, fiberglass batts, fiberglass BIBS system, Blown in fiberglass or cellulose, also sound batting 

Do you air seal when installing fiberglass?

Yes the most important step when using fiberglass insulation is air sealing we use either a 4 mil or 6 mil poly and a 25 year acoustical caulking to completely air seal the area, Also use the proper tape to seal and joists in the poly

What is BIBS system

BIBS – or “Blown In Blanket System” is an insulation system that involves installing a tightly fitted, breathable web netting across the stud faces of the area being insulated, and blowing a loose-fill fiberglass insulation into the cavity. The blown insulation is packed and compressed into the cavity with air pressure via an insulation blowing machine. The insulation hose is inserted into the cavity via a small hole made in the web netting then insulation is packed into that cavity completely filling the space not leaving any gaps, wrinkles, cracks, or any passages for air to travel creating an airtight insulation blanket.

Do you Drill and fill foam in the walls?

No we do not offer that service at this time 

Can you come and blow in more fiberglass in my attic?

Yes we do offer this service, Although it is best to set up a time that we could come and inspect your attic and make sure that the money that you are spending will help you in the long run, sometimes just adding more product will not help, we can come at no charge and inspect your attic and make the best recommendation for you project  

Request a Quote

Thinking of upgrading your insulation?  Maybe you are starting some renovations or building your new dream home? Contact us and our sales team would be happy to come to your location to assess your project and help you find the insulation solution that is best for your needs. No obligation & no cost to you.

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